Oral Conscious Sedation


Oral conscious sedation involves the use of oral sedative pills, helping to reduce your fears and anxiety tremendously.  No needles are needed for this method.  It’s as easy as taking a pill!

Benefits of Oral Conscious Sedation:

  • It’s as safe and easy as taking a pill (no needles)
  • Perfect for patients with high anxiety
  • Patients can respond to questions but have little or no memory of visit
  • It’s less expensive than IV sedation

Some Facts

  • It works!  The medication allows you to relax for your treatment.
  • It is SAFE!  You take a small pill prior to treatment.  No IV needles.
  • You have little memory of the experience and you have little memory of any sounds or smells.
  • You relax for 5-6 hours after taking the pill.
  • Work requiring 2-4 appointments can be done in as little as 1 visit!
  • People who have difficulty getting numb have no problem when relaxed and comfortable.
  • It is safely used to reduce the fatigue of extended dental treatments that require long visits.

How Does it Work?

With oral conscious sedation, you are given a pill to take one hour prior to your dental procedure. This may be done at home or our office.  If done at home, your companion will accompany you to the office. When you arrive, you will be very relaxed, and a little sedated.  You will sink into a very comfortable chair, covered with a thick, warm, and cozy blanket. Your vital signs will be monitored carefully at all times. After you are comfortable, our experienced clinical team will take care of your dental needs. When your treatment is completed your companion will return you home to finish relaxing.

Who is a Candidate for Sedation Therapy?

Adults who have…

  • high fear of visiting the dentist or shots.
  • had traumatic dental experiences.
  • difficulty getting numb.
  • a bad gag reflex.
  • very sensitive teeth.
  • limited time to complete their dental care.
  • complex dental problems requiring multiple appointments.

A Typical Visit with Oral Conscious Sedation

  • We will ask you not to eat or drink anything for 12 hours before your appointment.
  • About an hour before your procedure begins, you take an oral medication at home or our office. Because the medication will make you groggy, you need a friend or relative to bring you to the office.
  • Once you are seated in the chair, we assess how deeply you are sedated and adjust your medication if necessary.
  • We will numb your mouth as necessary, but the oral medication you have taken will make this comfortable.
  • During the procedure, we constantly monitor you to ensure your safety.  You will not feel any pain or be aware of time passing during the procedure.  You will feel very comfortable and relaxed and may even sleep.  However, you will respond easily to touch and our requests.
  • After the procedure, your friend or relative will take you home, where you relax for the rest of the day.  We encourage you to drink plenty of water to flush out the medications.  For many, oral conscious sedation is a good choice for anxiety-free dentistry.