Nitrous Oxide


For patients who may experience mild discomfort during their dental treatment, or for patients who struggle to remain still and calm during their appointment, our team may recommend the use of Nitrous Oxide.

Commonly referred to as “laughing gas,” this easily administered analgesic can be included in almost any dental visit at Traders Point Dental. Advantages of Nitrous Oxide include:

  • Used to relax patients before anesthetic is administered
  • Gets to work immediately when applied
  • Can be strengthened or lessened moment by moment
  • Eliminates the “gagging” reflex during treatment
  • Effects that wear off instantly after your appointment
  • No lingering “hangover” that affects motor skills

Nitrous gas has been used by dentists for centuries. Administered through a comfortable nasal apparatus, patients generally experience a pain-free conscious state within two to three minutes.

Each patient is closely monitored by a certified member of the TPD team.  As soon as the dental treatment is completed, the nitrous oxide is turned off and the patient inhales 100% oxygen until the analgesic effects are reversed. Patients can safely return to work or school without missing a beat!